Back to Back Box to the Battlefields
The Winter 2016-17 Box to the Battlefield has wrapped up, and the Spring 2017 BTTB, where we will paint and weather the Tamiya Panzer III, Ausf.L, is about to start. It is almost sold out so please call 416-755-4878 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register. We will have a waiting list.
Winter 2016-17 BTTB, where we worked on the Tamiya Panther Ausf. G late version, was one of our most successful seminars ever. We had the highest number of participants work on and bring their tanks to class. Pretty much everyone is working on their Panthers and some are even close to being finished. We will meet again in March, before Heritagecon 11 model show for any touch ups and final advice from Dave. Above and below you can see some of the in-progress shots from the seminar.
Video Tutorials!
Thanks to the hard work of Robert (Barbakan and IPMS Toronto, and his YouTube Channel) we have a great series of 8 video tutorials showing all the steps and techniques that Dave taught during the seminar. Check them out and enjoy your hobby time!