Paints are an essential for any hobby modeller. We use these marvelous chemicals to make our projects come alive, gleam in the sun or rust as wrecks. Hornet Hobbies is proud to to offer one of the largest selections of hobby paints in Canada. We carry a wide variety of acrylics, enamels, laquers and oils, as well as all types of primers, surfacers and thinners . We also have washes and pigments for weathering, as well as decal treatments. Everything you need to create exactly the finish and effect that you imagine.

Paint Lines Available at Hornet Hobbies
Some of the manufacturers have multiple paint lines to service every need and application that you may have. Whether you plan to brush the paint on, spray it or airbrush it, you will find what you need at Hornet Hobbies. To show you the available choices here are two manufacturers and the lines they make available:
 Ts Spray As Spray Acrylic X and XF Surface Primers Panel Line Diorama Paint Effects |
 Game Color Model Air Model Color Panzer Aces Washes And Pigments |
 NitroLine Enamel Washes Gunpowder Weathering Pigments Textured Earth Paints Thinner, Primers, Fixers |
 MMP Paints MMP Primer MMP Thinner MMP Polyurethane Mix Additive |
Beyond these great products we also offer you paints from these and other excellent manufacturers: